Ina Weber, Asia Marzahn Snack Bar, 2019
, Watercolour, pencil and crayon on transparent paper, 24,5 x 19,5 cm
Kollitsch Collection
Ina Weber, Iron Bird Bath, 2016
, Reinforced concrete, tiles, 34 x 99 x 181 cm
Kollitsch collection
Ina Weber’s sculptures show familiar objects and buildings that have been lifted out of context, facilitating a new process of perception through her selective representation with altered proportions. Alongside supermarkets, Chinese restaurants and filling stations, we also see in her sculptures sports swimming pools, which in their modified reduction have an astonishing presence, being transformed into “bird baths” and lending a light-hearted note to Ina Weber’s work. The Iron Bird Bath has been specially designed and realised for the Kollitsch collection.
— Magdalena Koschat
Ina Weber, Iron Bird Bath, 2016
, Beton armiert, Fliesen, 34 x 99 x 181 cm
Kollitsch Collection
Die Skulpturen Ina Webers zeigen ihrem Kontext enthobene, uns vertraute Gegenstände und Gebäude, die durch ihre selektive Darstellung mit veränderten Proportionen einen neuen Prozess der Perzeption ermöglichen. Neben Supermärkten, Chinarestaurants und Tankstellen begegnen uns in ihren Skulpturen auch Sportschwimmbecken, die in ihrer modifizierten Verkleinerung erstaunlich präsent wirken und, transformiert zu „Vogelbädern“, auch einen heiteren Akzent im Werk Ina Webers setzen. Das Iron Bird Bath wurde eigens für die Sammlung Kollitsch konzipiert und realisiert.
Ina Weber, Minigolfbahn (Hypo Adria), 2017
, Exhibited: sculptural element from a minigolf course Concrete, glass, metal, 46 x 111 x 71 cm
Kollitsch Collection
The sculpture of the Minigolf course (Hypo Adria) (2017) is taken from Ina Weber’s ‘Trümmerbahnen’ minigolf course exhibition at the KUNSTHAUS : KOLLITSCH from summer 2017. The 12 holes on the minigolf courses forming part of this playable installation from 2004 refer to the destruction of the city of Braunschweig during the Second World War with their various obstacles, all ruined buildings. An additional hole was commissioned and created especially for the Kollitsch Collection with a regional reference. The artist drew on the architecture of the former Hypo-Alpe-Adria headquarters in Klagenfurt which she presented in a new context in her characteristic concrete sculpted style but with modified dimensions and proportions.
— Magdalena Koschat
Ina Weber, China-Restaurant Klagenfurt, 2018
, Ceramic, 26 x 40 x 32 cm
Kollitsch Collection